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I will be in Paris 2-1/2 days. What is a carnet and where do I get them?

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11507 posts

The thing is we all call it a carnet like its a pass of some sort,, its literally ten loose one way tickets. Its just by buying a "carnet" you are getting ten tickets at a slight discount to buying ten tickets seperately. You can get them at any metro station, there are machines( with english translations) or in many stations there are manned kiosk windows. The trick is , don't lose the tickets( they are just little things) , don't throw out a ticket after use until you are completely out of the station, and do not mix up the used tickets with the unused ones. I find a carnet lasts me about 5-7 days. I do enjoy walking alot though.

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13 posts

Thank you for sharing. I have been a little anxious about this trip and it's nice to know that others have successfully navigated these problems.

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13 posts

Thanks very much. This is definitely a learning process.

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85 posts

I went to Paris last spring and used the packet of carnets for my 5 day trip. Worked wonderfully. The only think I had to remember is to keep the ticket handy. I tended to slip it back into my purse and forget where I put it or mix it up with the unused ones and some stations require you to put the ticket in the machine as you exit. So that required me to search for it. After about 2-3 times of doing this I learned my lesson and kept the curent ticket handy incase I needed it to exit the station. I went all over Paris on bus and metro and never got lost.