please can you suggest what is necessary for car insurance in Italy? the rental counter always catches me off guard and I end up buying the full meal deal.
Thank you, Clare
Hi Clare. See good info on this by clicking on 'Travel Tips' at the top of this page. Enjoy your trip!
Clare, You might find it helpful to check the website, as they have a downloadable Car Rental guide for Europe, which may provide the information you're looking for. As I recall, it's compulsory to buy at least some of the insurance from the rental agency when renting in Italy. The car rental guide will provide further information on that. For driving in Italy, I assume you're aware that EACH driver will require the compulsory I.D.P. and you'll need to be vigilant to avoid the dreaded Z.T.L. areas (or you'll get a nasty surprise in the mail a few months after you return home). Happy travels!
Like it was said, optional insurance is required. Their insurance rates are regulated, and more reasonably priced than CDW in the U.S.
Just suck it up and enjoy your day.
And be aware that the fine print in your credit card agreement excludes Italy from supplemental coverage.
In Italy, the full-meal deal is actually a good bet for insurance. If you have a deductible, there's a good chance you will have to pay it for a minor scratch. It is cheaper to pay more for zero-deductible.