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Car rental in Milan Central Station or Lake District?

We are flying into Milan and taking the train to the Lake District where we will stay and explore for several days. I would then like to rent a car to drive to the Dolomites, then on to Slovenia and drop it in Trieste or Venice. It looks like the options for renting a car are Milan central train station, Lecco, or Como. We will be staying in Bellagio. What rental location would be most convenient?

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We rented from Avis nr the ferry dock in Como it was easy. However you are closer to Varenna and usually only during summer months you can rent a car from there. perhaps you can ck to see about that as an option.I recom getting your vehicle when you leave lake Como area as parking is difficult and the roads are very narrow. You can ferry to alot of great towns along the lake easily and cheaply.