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Car Rental and Driving in Paris and Nevers

I'm from NY and I drive a lot in the city. My only concern is the street and traffic signs. Do they have english translations of it? I have been to Paris 8 years ago but I did not rent a car back then. I plan to rent a car since I would like to take my parents and my 4-year old son to Nevers. Also, is it better to pick up a car from Charles de Gaulle airport and return it to Orly airport before flying out to go to Lourdes? Any suggestions about parking in Paris at night?

Thank you.

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23 posts

Any suggestions about parking in Paris? Don't. In NYC, you have streets laid out in a grid. In Paris, they are in no particular order. In NYC street signs are in English. In Paris, they are in French. On the other hand, in NYC parking is hard to find and expensive. Same for Paris. In NYC, you have the Subway. Paris has the Metro.

My four year old loved Paris.

Take the advice to take the train to Nevers. If you want, rent a car there, drive around, and then take th train back to Paris.

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8700 posts

Have you considered taking the train? Once you add up the costs of renting a car, buying gas, and parking in Paris, the train may not be all that costly, even for four people.

There is an early morning non-stop train from Paris to Nevers and an evening non-stop train from Nevers to Paris. Booked well in advance (up to three months allowed) at, PREM'S (discount) tickets are as low as €20.

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3 posts

I thought of taking the train in the beginning. But I realized I will be traveling with my mom who has cancer (that's the reason why were are going to Lourdes, but making a stop in Paris). She may easily get tired walking. It may not be easy to hail a cab unless you are standing on a taxi station. Eventually, the cost of taking a cab around Paris and taking the train to Nevers will be the same. So I thought it would be better to rent a car. NYC financial district parking is crazy as well. Do you know of a website that has French traffic sign translated in English? I tried researching but I could not find one.

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149 posts

Hi Jessica, I have driven in Paris many times and I find the local drivers to be very courteous and sane (contrary to popular belief). Keep your map handy and stop often to look at it. I've also driven in NYC, and Paris is not much different. Go for it! I have stayed at Ibis hotels with basement parking and also at Hotel des Grandes Ecoles (5 arr.) with basement parking. Hotel parking tends to be expensive (15 to 30 euros). I have also used on-street parking and paid the machine to get a permit, but this needs to be done often to avoid a ticket. My friend in Paris told me years ago: "If you get a parking ticket, do as the French do; tear it up and throw it away". Charlie, Lodi, CA