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car on hvar or korkula?

Do we need a car on Hvar or Korcula (Croatia)? We are renting a car in Porec and planning on dropping it off in Split before spending the night in Hvar and then Korcula en route to Dubrovnik. We won't need the car on the Islands, right? Also, it looks like the catamaran is the best option to get from Split to Hvar to Korcula to Dubrovnik. Does anyone have the catamaran schedule?

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I stayed in Hvar town for 2 days and had no need for a car. Suspect Korcula town would be the same. Catamarans are the way to go without a car. You can find both high season (June thru September) and low season (rest of 2011) schedules for the Jadrolinija catamarans at During high season, there are 11:30am and 3:00pm catamarans from Split to Hvar and a 4:00pm catamran from Hvar to Korcula. A company called Krilo also runs catamarans during high season, but not sure of their website. Don't believe there are catamarans from Korcula to Dubrovnik, but ferry (possibly not daily) and bus are good options.