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Car Lease in France

I’m considering doing a car lease next fall and I was wondering if anyone that has done this has had a problem with their car, either mechanical or damage from an accident? I believe that the car is considered yours because it’s a lease. If the car isn’t useable, then what? Thanks for sharing any experiences.

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2622 posts

I’ve looked into leases through AutoEurope for an upcoming trip. They include zero deductible CDW coverage and zero deductible theft protection. Since it’s a brand new vehicle, one can hope there won’t be mechanical issues, but I guess there’s no guarantee.

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10851 posts

We had to replace a windshield after gravel caused damage. It took only a day, but it was our responsibility though insurance paid all. It would be the same if you had an accident and the car was out for repair or not drivable for a certain time. Legally, it’s your car.

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10813 posts

Thanks to both of you. Bets, I suspected that was the case. I worry more about damage from an accident, but even new cars can have a problem. I think we will stick with a rental. A friend was involved not so very long ago in a terrible accident in Provence. Because they got full insurance they were able to walk away from it and were given a new car to drive. Leasing a car that could be unusable for any reason is not a chance I’m willing to take.

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1098 posts

Andrea, I’ve done the French car lease a few times and I highly recommend it, especially in the case of a problem. The coverage is truly comprehensive, zero deductible, they will come get you roadside if need be or direct you to a garage and pay the garage directly. I think you can get a replacement or loaner, but o haven’t done that. I needed this last year as I could not seem to keep those Swiss rock walls from leaping onto my car. I turned that thing in with not one body panel undamaged. I was so embarrassed, having been a perfect driver all my life - where the roads weren’t so narrow, twisty and rock-lined. Nothing was said or charged.

I have found it much better than rentals. And a nicer car, lower rates. Have another look at the program or let’s have a chat about it if you have questions.

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10813 posts

We actually did a car lease on our first trip to Europe in 2006. Luckily we didn’t have a problem and all I knew was that we had full coverage insurance. I was too naive to think about what would happen if we lost use of the vehicle.

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I leased a vehicle in France in 2012. It went great! I actually scraped up one side of it negotiating a tight turn coming out of a campground in Wales (my trip was a camping trip in France, England and Wales). I called the company from a public phone to let them know what happened and they said not to worry about it as it was still driveable and no damage was done to the rock wall. When I turned it in back in Calais, it was accepted without comment. Wonderful experience!