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Car hire from Lisbon to Seville- great way to go!

Four of us stayed in Lisbon and wanted to stay in Seville for a few days. Instead of a train (really nothing direct) or a plane (too big of a chunk of time) we hired a driver to drive us there. We stopped in Merida Spain, went to the ruins and had lunch. It was a good experience and would recommend it. We got the referral for the driver from the management company where we were staying.

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7054 posts

How could a flight be too big of a chunk of time when it takes only about 1 hour 15 min (direct via TAP Airlines) compared to 4 times as long to drive? Am I missing something? There could be other reasons to drive but time savings doesn't seem to be one of them.

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2768 posts

So if the flight is 1.5 hours, and you need to be to the airport 2 hours ahead of time and it takes half an hour+ to get to the airport, that's 4 hours right there. Plus time leaving the Seville airport, baggage claim if you check bags, and then the drive into the city from the airport. Maybe 4.5 - 5 hours total? And then the plane may not leave at a convenient time, meaning waiting around more.

So in this case I'd say flying and driving are about even as far as time spent. My dislike of flying and going through airports (security lines, uncomfortable seats, worrying about delays, slight, irrational fear of flying) would make me favor driving in this case, depending on cost. My overall preference is usually train but not for this route. My rule of thumb is that if the ground transportation (train, car, bus, boat) takes 6 hours or less I will favor it over a flight, depending on cost and other factors.

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3515 posts

In addition to what Mira said, splitting the cost of the car service between four people must have made it pretty affordable.

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14 posts

On the day we wished to travel it was more than 100 USD per person- and there was no direct flight- there was one stop for the flight. There are direct flights on different days, however, they were expensive and were very late at night.
It was approx. 430 USD for 4 of us, and we dictated when we stopped, and saw parts of Spain we enjoyed.

The company was vfcdrive, email: [email protected]. Vitor was our driver. It was a great experience.