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Can I carry on my hiking poles and cast iron cookware?

I just saw this very complete item by item list of what you can and cannot put in your carryon.

Both "hiking poles" and "walking sticks" (which are often discussed here ) are a NO.

So is cast-iron cookware! But no worries, you can carry on your Abuelo's tortilla press.

Posted by
6620 posts

Some years ago we bought several small olive wood cutting boards in San Gimignano as gifts. My DH had them in his backpack, and the security people at Florence airport wouldn't let him bring them on board. When he asked why, the guard picked one up by the handle and mimicked using a hatchet type motion. Very effective demonstration.

Edit to add: I don't see cutting boards on the list!

Posted by
3301 posts

So the cutting boards had a handle? I will remember not to pack any of those in my carryon next time.

Posted by
3522 posts

A waffle iron is OK. Mine has cast iron wafflers. Cast iron is not OK. Seems like a conflicting situation.

Hey, I can bring my light saber. Guess I will have to leave my sword at home (the toy foam sword, really??)

And I can't take any amount of ice cream through?

But a live lobster is OK. Will they cook it for you on the plane?

Posted by
8057 posts

Wow, what a list!

So the cutting boards with handles were not allowed, but from this list you could bring antlers and a glass vase?

Posted by
16895 posts

My brother (a pilot) will attest to his cast iron skillet being denied. Other brothers had Disneyland toy swords denied way back in the 90s.

Posted by
1057 posts

What a relief to know that belts, clothes and shoes are allowed.🤔

Posted by
2549 posts

Guess I might as well check my back bacon with my cast iron fry pan.

Posted by
276 posts

Patricia... LOL literally. Belts might iffy soon

Toy plastic screwdrivers and hammers are no nos too.

Posted by
17603 posts

Bruce, would not that back bacon be considered a gel?

I am remembering the time in 1974, before all the regulations, when we carried a disassembled radial arm saw up to Alaska as checked luggage. No problem.

Posted by
10447 posts

and who could afford to check the cast-iron cookware!!?? You would exceed your weight allowance just about the very minute that you put it in your suitcase!

Posted by
5697 posts

But I'm glad to hear the cast-iron cookware isn't going to be allowed as carry-on in the compartment over my head -- got hit once by an umbrella that fell out, not sure I would survive a direct hit by a skillet.

Posted by
10791 posts

Cherry preserves made by a local Amish woman was too liquid. Next time, need for it to be overcooked into a block.

Posted by
3522 posts

Surprised they don't mention bowling balls. Having one of those roll out of the overhead and down on you would not be a pleasant experience.

Posted by
2349 posts

I saw a 10 yr old kid carrying a big eagle souvenir through the airport. Gold, heavy, about 18" each way, with full wing spread. You know, the kind of souvenir that a 10 yr old boy would buy for himself. The wings and beak looked awfully poke-y to me, but he'd made it through security. I was glad he was not on my flight.

Posted by
6620 posts

So, knitting needles are allowed, but a corkscrew with a 1" blade is not?

Posted by
8057 posts

Mark, you are allowed to carry on a bowling ball or bocce balls, but the Magic 8 ball has to be checked. Bowling pins can’t come into the cabin, either. Yes, this gives new meaning to “watch out for bags that might have shifted” when you open the overhead compartments.

Posted by
15046 posts

I'm glad antlers are OK. I have to travel with my emotional support antlers. the radial arm saw story!

Posted by
6620 posts

What about my emotional support corkscrew?

Posted by
9102 posts

I flew to Reno once when there was a national bowling tournament going on (they have a big bowling complex there). They had to announce more than once that bowling balls should not be put in the overhead. Didn't stop some folks from arguing about it with the crew.