I need to know what i can bring in my checked bags
Should be no problem. I have traveled with bags and bags of energy bars, fiber bars, raisins and other snacks and had no problems. My husband travels overseas several times a year and always takes one or two boxes of energy bars and has never had an issue. It is one of the ways to save money! Good luck :)
Read this link to tsa.gov. Should help you to pack - check the links on the left side for any other questions that pop up.
Any food that's processed is fine, it's only stuff that's fresh that you have to worry about. I bring Nutrigrain bars in my carry-on to snack on while on the plane. They never seem to serve the food when I'm actually hungry!
I always bring snacks for the flight and on the ground at my destination until I can get settled and find food. Protein bars and tubes of nuts are my staples. I usually don't pack the box. Instead I put them in a ziplock bag, it's easier to pack that way and the bag is still useful when it's empty.
Watch the overall weight and size of your carry-on. Trying to stuff it full may backfire and force it to be checked.