Has anyone ever tried the overnight train from Scotland to London? After some time in Scotland I will be meeting the rest of the family in London. The schedule works well with the overnight train. Any opinions about compartment vs. sleeper chairs? Obviously the sleeper chairs are cheaper. Are the compartments worth it?
Another person just asked this on the 'To the North' board. See: https://www.ricksteves.com/graffiti/helpline/index.cfm/rurl/topic/104918/london-to-edinburgh.html
I think the other thread where someone called Kris has just asked about that is here: http://www.ricksteves.com/graffiti/helpline/index.cfm?topic=104944
Lots of info and advice on the Caledonian Sleeper here: http://www.seat61.com/CaledonianSleepers.htm