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By ship

Does anyone know of reasonably priced travel by ship from New York (or there abouts)to Europe? I'm considering the notion of traveling there, having a look around for a few weeks, and perhaps then returning to New York - again by ship.

Posted by
1358 posts

I can agree with Frank, crossing the Atlantic is very boring. I have crossed is 8 times both ways on merchant ships and do not recommend it for a vacation.

However if you just want to relax and see the same sights and people for a week, you will be happy.

I would also question the wisdom of investing such a great amount in that trip. I have taken the 16 river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest; that is a trip where one sees 16 different towns. More interesting.

Posted by
16006 posts

There are no regularly scheduled cruises across the Atlantic. (If there are, I couldn't find any.) The ones that are available are repositioning cruises moving the ships from North American to Europe. That's only done twice a year---once in each direction.

Posted by
8293 posts

The Queen Mary 2 crosses from New York to Southampton quite a few times from April until September. I saw an ad in a Canadian newspaper just the other day offering a crossing on April 14, including the airfare back to NY, for C$1789. Call Cunard and some travel agent cruise specialists to find the best deal. I have crossed twice on the QM2 from NY and it's quite an experience.

Posted by
12313 posts

Your best bet are repositioning cruises, usually in the Spring and Fall. There was a good deal this year on the QE2 (or maybe QM2) that had some transatlantic cruises for a decent price. Check out, they are as good as any website I've checked. You can search by repositioning or by ships that start in New York.

Posted by
16006 posts

Thanks, Norma, I didn't realize Cunard brought back transatlantic service. They had discontinued it a few years ago.

While I have never taken it, I have been told that unless you love cruises, it's a very boring 6 days at sea. But a good alternative for fearful fliers.

Hard to travel light as I believe Cunard still does "dress-up" for dinner.

Posted by
8293 posts

Actually the 6 day Atlantic crossing wasn't boring at all. The 12 day Med. cruise I took this October , now that was boring. On the QM2 there are a lot of things to do, interesting lectures, etc., and my husband took watercolour art classes every day that gave him a lot of pleasure. I do admit, though, that after the 6 days one really is anxious to disembark !

Posted by
32310 posts

Just a note, the Queen Elisabeth II is no longer in service. It was sold to a group in Dubai, and made her final voyage a week or so ago. The ship will be converted to a luxury hotel.

Posted by
2053 posts

You might check out the various cruise lines for repositioning cruises, where the cruise lines move ships from one area to another at the close of a season. You can get some good deals but need to allow a long time for passage and be prepared to travel at the time of year these rates are offered.