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buying train tickets at malpensa

Is there anywhere I can buy the malpensa express ticket to saronna and then the reginal to como nord lago other than an automated machine of which I am afraid? Is it one ticket or two? Any help apprecited for the older and non technical arriving on a weekend. is it really true that there are no ticket offices open on the weekend at Malpensa?

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23741 posts

Cannot speak for today but two years ago we passed through Centrale on a Sunday and ticket windows were open. I would find it hard to believe that ticket windows are no open on the weekend given the high level of travel on weekends.

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17604 posts

I believe Frances is planning on going directly to Como Lago Nord (on the Nord line) via Saronna, so they won't be passing through Milano Centrale. Frances, you do not need to worry about machines if that is the only option. You can change the screen to English, and follow the steps. It is pretty simple to do. I believe there is a tutorial for Italian ticket machines on the Man in Seat 61 website---you might take a look at that.

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19351 posts

This was on the Malpensa Express website, "Tickets from and to the Malpensa Airport can be bought from all the ticket offices of the FERROVIENORD network (Milan branch only) from automatic self-service machines or from the Malpensa Express ticket offices located as follows: Milano Cadorna station near quays n. 1 and 2. Open every day: from 4.30 to 23.00. Malpensa Airport Terminal 1 (floor -1).
Open every day: from 5.30 to 00.20."