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Buying & printing tickets on DB website

We are a party of 4 adults (2 married couples) who will be traveling from Lauterbrunnen to Heidelberg in June. I want to buy our train tickets in advance but have a couple questions on the DB website, as I'm a bit unsure how to do it and don't want to mess it up. (1) I see a Europa-Spezial Schweiz which looks like a much better deal than Standard Fare. Is this because it is only for a specific train route? (2) We want to print our tickets online to take with I select "I shall be using the online ticket personally" or "Someone else will be using the online ticket"? This is confusing as there are 4 of us. (3) In choosing seat reservations what is the typical train layout? I see we can request "Centre aisle coach" (what's this?) or "Window seat" or "Aisle seat". We want to all sit together so what is the best way to request it? (4) Do I need to log in to book, or do I do it without logging in? I appreciate any help...we leave in 3 weeks and are SO excited as this is our first time to Germany & Switzerland!

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19240 posts

Europa-Spezial tickets are like the flight tickets you probably bought. They are for a specific date and train, are non-refundable, non-returnable (with a few exceptions). The earlier you buy them, the better the price (lowest fares sell out first). At least 3 days advance purchase required.

Even a ticket for four people will be in the name of one person. You use that person's credit card and they must have the CC with them for identification. The name on the ticket should exactly match the name on the credit card.

A center aisle coach is exactly what it says. It's like a bus (or old aircraft), with one open area, a center aisle, and seats on either side. This is in contrast to the old side aisle cars with compartments.

I believe it gives you the choice of purchasing with your login or without. You probably don't have a login.

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47 posts

Thanks Lee. You are always a wealth of information and I appreciate your knowledge! So to confirm, I select "I shall be using the online ticket personally", pay for the ticket (which covers all 4 of us) with my credit card (the ticket will be in my name?)and make sure to bring that exact credit card with me for when we board the train together? The other couple will not need additional ID for the ticket? Also, is there a beneift to creating a login, or not worry about it for this journey?