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Buying night train tickets (Italy-Germany) online

Preparing to purchase night train tickets for trip from Milan to Munich. seems pricey; for some reason does not list this particular night train (NZ300); the standard DB site does not list prices prior to hitting the purchase button, but I know others who have used it with no problems, with tickets arriving by normal mail. The site provides the most information on this particular route. Looks like their tickets are emailed to you. Wondering if others have used it to purchase tickets (i.e., Is this site a reliable site to purchase tickets through)?

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NachtZugReise is reliable; they are a branch of DB. They email you a pdf file which you can print as your ticket. They even have a place on their website where you can practice printing a ticket.

The rail lines represented on NachtZugReise are owned by DB in conjunction with the national rail lines of other countries they pass through.