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Buy Rail Timetable in US or EU?

Traveling whole of Italy in April. Are collective timetables such as the Thomas Cook ones readily/cheaply available once I get there or do I need to pre-purchase?
Thank you!


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7209 posts

you don't need to buy and carry around the train connections book. Just inquire at any ticket counter for up-to-date information.

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497 posts

I can only speak for the UK but I'd be surprised if there was much difference elsewhere. They are available reasonably widely. Any decent bookshop or specialist travel bookshop will have them but I'm not sure how many of these you will pass on an average tourist itinerary. They are spottily available at bookshops in stations, but as a lot of these are quite small the space gets turned over to magazines and copies of the Da Vinci code.

If you really want one I'd just bring one from home. I just looked on and .com and the prices are about the same so there's no advantage to getting one here.

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19232 posts

You can also obtain a lot of information for Italy in advance from the German Rail website.

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12313 posts

This probably isn't the way you want to do it but my technique is always to note train times to my next destination before I leave the station on arrival.

I keep my plans general, don't make reservations and leave when I'm ready (which could be a day or more earlier or later than planned). Knowing what time the trains leave lets me know whether I need to hurry or take my time and when the next train leaves if I miss it.

I travel light, so a tome with all train times to all destinations would be too much extra weight for me.