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149 posts

You're killing me, Stephen!!!

These tickets are a year too early for me. Planning on going back to Europe in 2018 after my daughter graduates high school. But even though I'm not going until then, I'm still going to check these fares out!

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6456 posts

Yes, thank you Stephen. We probably aren't going again until next year, but we took advantage of one of your earlier posts to fly business class to London in May. We are now totally spoiled. So keep up the good work; we'll try again next year!

Posted by
106 posts

Have this on my radar for 2017. Thanks for the post.

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529 posts

Thanks for posting this, I just made my reservation. Score!! Plus, I included the AARP discount. It is now $100 for economy, $200 for economy plus, and still $400 for business.