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Buses from Pontorson to Mont St Michel

I will be traveling from Paris to Pontorson-Mont St Michel. Is there a bus in Pontorson to contect to MSM? Do I buy my ticket from driver? How do I find the bus when leaving the train staion?

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4412 posts

There WAS a bus b/n Pontorson and MSM - I can't find any sign of it now (none of the web addresses work)...the trains want to take you to Dol de Bretagne (just a bit beyond Pontorson - 16 mins) then bus you 30 mins to MSM...Strange; maybe Pontorson wasn't as popular a transfer point as Rennes... Assuming your train doesn't go through Rennes (I'm guessing not), you can add on the 'Pontorson > Dol de Bretagne' leg onto your ticket for an EACH WAY, full-fare price of €12,20 (INCLUDES coach to MSM). It should be no problem to buy this ticket at the train station before you travel, but ASAP because the ticket windows can take a CAN purchase these now - for a bit less '€' from: (IF it asks for a country to deliver your tickets to, choose 'Great Britain'; you can choose 'print-at-home' or 'e-ticket' later) I hope this helps you; I learned something, too!

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8700 posts

The bus from Pontorson to MSM leaves from the train station. Weekdays: 07:40, 10:00, 11:25, 15:30, 16:35, 18:00 Saturdays: 10:00, 11:25, 15:30, 16:35, 17:15, 18:00 Sundays: 10:00, 10:01, 11:25, 13:50, 13:51 As Eileen suggests, you can take a TGV to Rennes or Dol de Bretagne and a bus operated by SNCF from there directly to MSM. Here are some examples: Leave Gare Montparnasse at 07:05, connect in Rennes, and arrive at MSM at 10:50. Leave at 07:35, connect in Dol de Bretagne, and arrive at MSM at 11:05. Leave at 09:05, connect in Rennes, and arrive at 12:50. Leave at 10:05, connect in Rennes, and arrive at 14:05.

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4412 posts

Thanks, Tim and Kyla! That's exactly the info I was looking for yesterday; I'm glad I checked on this thread today. The websites weren't terribly cooperative - none of the links were working, etc. The company that used to run this service now runs the other line from Rennes, blahblahblah... OK, Ellen - what I said, but what I REALLY wanted to say was what THEY said LOL! Be sure and notice that you can zoom in on this bus schedule, and notice also that there are two pages - scroll down for the return trip. Notice how the buses dp/ar times coordinate with the SNCF trains. Perhaps print this out and take it with you...As I recall, the bus leaves from just outside the train station - yes, my info says to exit the station and turn left for about 100 yds; verify the stop location with the bus driver (ALWAYS a good idea LOL). I 'think' you can buy a ticket from the driver (correct change), but it seems like you could buy one inside the train station - I just can't remember...and since this is a different company running the bus service, they may have their own rules, anyway. Typically, though, you can buy these kinds of tickets on board. Worst case - "RS France 2009" says the taxis b/n Pontorson and MSM were €18/daytime and €25 nightime/weekends... (I was really bummed out - I had done TONS of research in '09 for a trip to MSM that evaporated after we arrived at the Paris I was more than a bit sad that this exact bus was 'gone'; so glad it's not!)

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2 posts

We're cycle camping/touring the area in April 2012 and plan to camp at Pontorson, then have a day off the bikes so catch a bus to Mont St Michel. Just spent a while delving into buses and have discovered that there is a Maneo Service Express bus (Maneo is a Manche bus company - their website is and timetables are on their website There is a bus service (number 6) from the railway station and other stops in Pontorson to Mont St Michel. Look for the timetable by clicking on the first item in the left-hand menu (se deplacer), then choose 'fiche horaires', then look for ligne 6 and you can view a pdf. I've included the link here: There is also a Rennes-Mont St Michel bus but that does not make any stops between.

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1 posts

Regarding the Maneo Service Express Bus from Pontorson to Mont St Michel, i browsed the PDF and website for bus timings. Unfortunately, I am not proficient in French. Is there anywhere on the website that states where to buy the tickets? If so, do we have to buy the tickets in advance? Thanks!

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4412 posts

Janice, you can purchase the tickets on board: Look halfway down the page directly under "Points de Vente". It says you can buy the "Billet a l'Unite" for 2,20€ on board from the driver (having correct change will make your life easier). The one-way, one trip ticket is the "Billet a l'Unite" ("single ticket"). The others are monthly passes, student tickets, etc.

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2 posts

Our plan worked and we discovered the bus waiting outside Pontorson railway station according to the timetable. The ticket (flat rate - one way) was about 2.30 Euros. Buy it from the driver. In fact the ticket is valid for an hour on any service, so you could just stay on the bus and return on the same ticket, but not much point in doing that! We did nearly miss the bus when leaving Mont St Michel because we hadn't realised that at low tide it pulls up at the foot of the island. We'd arrived at high tide so had all disembarked on the causeway, so stood there to catch it going back. Of course it drove straight past us, to the left of the causeway, so we had to run to avoid missing it. Fortunately there was a queue of people waiting to board who all had to buy their tickets, so it didn't leave exactly on time.