I'm not having any luck finding bus schedules and availability from Antwerpen, BE to Hoogerheide, NE
There is no direct bus service. From Antwerpen Centraal you have to take a train to Roosendaal. At Roosendaal change trains to Bergen op Zoom. From Bergen take Bus 105 to the center of Hoogerheide. Total travel time should be about 1 hour 15 minutes.
Don't hesitate to use the train for this leg of your trip. You may find the bus too slow in travel with too many stops. I found trains in BE and NE to be fast, efficient and inexpensive.
Try this website:
The site's in Dutch only (and it's navigating too slow on my computer for me to waste time), but here's a few helpful translations: bezoek = search, vertrekt = depart, aankomt/aankommen = arrive.