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Bus/Train Tickets - Rome

We will travel from Rome to Siena by bus (SETA), SITA bus from Siena to Florence and from Florence to Mira-Mirano by train. Will we be able to buy these tickets in Rome the day we arrive? It appears that if we can buy the tickets we may be able to get a discount on train tickets. We will be in Rome for 6 nights, Siena 1 night, Florence 4 nights. Our first day we have an open itenarary to familiarize ourself with the city, for buying the Roma pass and bus/train tickets, etc.

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39 posts

Okay, thanks to Ron in Rome I know that I can buy the train tickets with a Promo if available when I arrive in Rome. But I am still looking for info about the bus tickets.

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3112 posts

I believe the bus to Siena departs from the Tiburtina bus station, which is about a 10 minute Metro ride from Roma Termini train station. I know you can buy tickets at the bus station, but not sure about other locations. Your hotel may be able to call and reserve tickets that you could pick up and pay for the day you travel. It's unlikely you'll be able to purchase bus tickets to Florence in Rome. Buy them when you get to Siena.