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bus schedule website for Britain?

I'm having problems finding a site to give me timetables and cost and stations for my trip to europe...
The website goes to a new site, and I can't find my route (conwy to Caernarfon) departing or not, and I'm confused..
any help?

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1358 posts

Do a google search for "Bus schedule Conwy to Caernarfon" and see what you get. If that doesn't work try some variations of wording.

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356 posts

Are you wanting bus timetables or coach timetables? Coaches go cross country and National Express is the most well-known one. (I think I am right in thinking that you use the word "bus" for both of these things in the US?) Bus services are local to a particular area. Traveline is particularly good at looking at local bus services. The reason it took you to a new site (presumably this one: is that it was directing you to the public transport site for Wales.