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Bus Pass in Italy - What Does it Cover?

I am struggling to comprehend the inclusions/exclusions to the bus passes. What is the difference between Cotral buses and atac buses? What is the difference between an FS train and a Cotral train? And where do the boundaries start and stop? I will be in Rome for a month, but while I am there I plan to visit Lido, Capranica (VT) and Sperlonga, areas outside of Rome. Are those locations included in the bus pass? I've visited and but I'm still confused. Thanks!

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I took a better look at the atac website. Am I understanding that FS basically means Trenitalia (the major train company) and that I can use a weekly or monthly ticket on any trip on a regional train (1 trip for weekly), which of course prevents me from using the ticket to take me to Venice...? So when I look up train schedules on Trenitalia, as long as it R for Regional, it's covered?