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Bus in Rome

Does anyone know where I get a schedule of buses in Rome/Vatican city online? I googled but couldn't find anything but ads.

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23547 posts

Are you asking about the local public transportation system? Do you want bus routes or times or both? Not sure what you are asking.

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11 posts

Yes, I want to know the local bus routes, transfer sites & cost. When we were in Rome in '07, we used the buses alot & it worked well once we finally got on the right one but it was very confusing & time consuming. This time, I'd like to come more prepared. Thanks!

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2207 posts

When you go to the ATAC site... and select a route - or plan a route - it gives you an approximate time table for the stop you're requesting... Don't bother printing it out as they NEVER hit those times... really depends on the frame-of-mind of the bus driver.

The key might be to ensure that the bus you want to ride is AVAILABLE that time of day. Many buses do not run on Sunday or later in the evenings. Night buses start after midnight and the routes are TOTALLY different than the runs durin the day!

Buses are the way to go - we use them everyday - but it's best just to get to a stop and look at your options (what buses are coming and where are they headed). At many newstands you can buy a bus-map with all the routes and times. it costs about E6 and I used one when I first moved here.

But here, adherance to any "schedule" is pure coincidence!


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11 posts

Ron & Frank,
Thank you both for your help! I never thought of looking at the newstands for a schedule. Just from the two times we've been in Italy, I know not to take posted schedules too seriously though :)