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Bus from Nurnberg to Praha

Where is the bus station at the Nurnberg train station? We will be going to Praha and the information I have is that the bus station is at Bahnhofvorplatz Hauptausgang (what ever that means). I hope its located near the main train station. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Jim

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23570 posts

There is no bus station just a pick up point right in front of the center steps into the train station. There are four or five pick up points at the curb with signs indicating which bus to where. Cannot miss it. The bus will arrive a few minutes prior to departure. Will be a driver and an attendant to assist you. Keep your passport handy, you will need it.

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19240 posts

Bahnhofsvorplatz Hauptausgang Bahnhof = station vor = in front of Platz = place or plaza
haupt = main Ausgang = exit (or Eingang = entrance) See the brochure.

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204 posts

Thanks for the information everyone. Also, thanks for the interpretation.