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bus from bellagio to lecco

We are elderly need to get to Lecco by 10:30 approx. I cannot find the bus timetable for the bus from Bellagio to lecco. It was in italian but an italian could not find the timetable either. Does this bus still run please. The last post was 2009. Alternately we can go to varenna for the train but we saw that it is a steep walk with luggage. WOuld there always be a taxi at the ferry terminal to get to the station if we chose this way.
THank you so much

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91 posts

Can't help you with Bellagio-Lecco bus, although I think there is one. Your hotel should be able to help you, or at least give you taxi info. If you choose the Varenna way, yes, the walk from the ferry dock to the train station is a bit uphill, but an easy, short one. There is usually a taxi there. If not, the hotel Olivedo, three steps across from the dock, can quickly call you one.

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41 posts

that was a great repy thanks. Just one clarification. The easy walk you mention, is that from a 30year old perspective or a 65 year old with artritis?

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32325 posts

Frances, After reading several of your Threads, your travel routes are becoming somewhat more clarified. The previous reply provided good information on your options. It's difficult to say whether walking to the station would be a good choice, as that will depend on what type of luggage you're using and how severe your Arthritis is? The first part of the route, from the Ferry dock towards the station is actually quite a "gentle slope". You'll eventually turn left across a small bridge and then right and continue uphill towards the station. The slope on that portion is really not that bad either. The steepest part is only the small road up to the station (there's a stairway from the road as well). I'm also somewhat "elderly" (60+) but not suffering from Arthritis (yet). I normally travel with a Backpack and would have no worries on walking from the Ferry dock to the train station. Incidentally, if you need rail tickets during your stay in Bellagio you might consider taking the 20-minute Ferry ride to Varenna on the day prior to departure and visiting the small Travel Agency there. It's located on the road just below the rail station (on the right if facing the lake). I've found the service there to be excellent! Regarding the trip from Bellagio to Lecco, I wouldn't use the Bus. The trip via train from Varenna is as short as 21-minutes. There's a train departing Varenna at 09:06, arriving Lecco at 09:45 (time 39M). Cheers!

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41 posts

Thanks again Ken. Hmmmm the train ride might be short but there's another 20mins in the ferry plus the walk plus the wait time. We will dwell on all the very helpful advice.