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Bruges - local trans...

On arrival for a day trip here, how does one get from the train station on the South end of town to the center Markt? And, what is the best way to get around town generally? Thanks a million for all advice!

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18 posts

Hi Bill!

First of all - let me tell you how lucky you are to be going to my favorite place on earth!(so far!!)

The truth is that is has been many years since my visits (two), but from what I can remember - the train station is quite close to the center Markt (I can't remember taking a taxi or anything)
And everything -was within easy walking distance.
It's a small place and easiliy navigated.

You must walk up and down the side streets to find AMAZING little bars and chocolate shops...the beer and chocolate is like NOTHING you have ever tasted -or will taste again.
Also, take a tour of the castle and eat frites from a street vendor!! (with mayo of course!)

I simply cannot wait to get back to Bruges!


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875 posts

You can take the bus from the train station into town. Bruges itself is so small you can just walk everywhere easily.

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1358 posts

I'll second what everyone's said, Bruges is very easy to walk around. And definitely enjoy the beer and food and chocolate. I'd fly to Belgium tomorrow just to eat and drink.

If you haven't already seen it, rent the movie "In Bruges". Gives you a good overview of the city. LOTS of profanity, it's a dark comedy about hitmen.

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9150 posts

Take the bus to get to the center of town. Almost all the buses go there, but you can ask, or look on the schedule posted by the bus stops. Really easy to use. Once you get to the center of town, you can walk everywhere. I would not walk from the train station to the center Markt, it is quite a long way and I have walked it before. Would not need to do this again! You can buy 3 day tickets in Brugge that will also be good on transport in other towns, like Ostende which is only 15 min. away by train. Fun place to see the North Sea!

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9109 posts

If you don't have a lot of luggage it's also an easy walk. Across the street from the train station, you will see a pretty park, walk through it and you will wind up at the Concert Hall/TI office. From there turn right and follow the street to the historic center.

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511 posts

Concur if you have lots of luggage that walking isn't great. Michael's directions to the TI is good advice. We stopped there for a quick chat and bought our museum pass and caught the bus there. Besides that ride, everything else was walking! Go to the Bruges t bertjs (sp) that is in the Rick Steves book. Great pub and friendly people! We had a wonderful night there!

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1568 posts

Brugges is small enough to walk all over the new and old part of town. I am in my 60's and walked from station to hotel...then walked all over.