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British Airways (buddy pass)

I don't know if BA calls their employee friends/family passes buddy passes but I figured most people knew the term. Has anyone used theirs before? I've only used Delta's and it was a less than pleasant experience. I know its stand-by and all that but was it less difficult to use (perhaps you were even upgraded)? The taxes to use them are still considerably cheaper than the full price economy ticket so I'm really hoping this works out OK.

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9369 posts

Less difficult to use than what? Delta's passes? The only people who would know that are people who have used both.

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142 posts

Sure, I see your point about having used both. How about a rephrase? Has anyone used BA buddy passes? How did it go? Painless? Painful?

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100 posts

I've travelled on a buddy pass. But it was not BA. I have a relative who works for Frontier and I sometimes travel on a Frontier buddy pass. What you have to realize is that when you are travelling on a buddy pass, it is on a space available basis. That means you will be the last to board and will most likely be in a middle seat (not always, but often). When I do travel on a buddy pass, I go to the airport with a different frame of mind; "if I don't get on the first flight, maybe I'll get on the second". I am prepared to be at the airport a long time. If you are asy going and flexible, you can save a lot of money this way, but if you want a reserved seat, then you should just pay for a reserved seat. If it is important that you reach your destination at a certain time, you should not try it on a buddy pass. Also, travelling in the summer when flights are fuller is going to be more difficult.