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Best way to travel between London-France-Ireland-Germany

I'm trying to set up a two week trip between London, France, Germany and Ireland. I plan on flying from Boston to London and then catching trains between the all the other countries but looking at the rail sites I'm totally there a mail rail that goes to all of these countries that includes ferry service to Ireland? Or would I have to purchase multiple rail passes? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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588 posts

I would fly to Dublin or Shannon from Boston. Then fly from Dublin or Shannon (depending upon your itinerary in Ireland)to London. Take the Eurostar to Paris and use the trains for France and Germany. Fly home from Germany.

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286 posts

Yep, I vote for the Ireland, London, France and Germany route unless you have to be somewhere in a particular order for some reason.

Also, you haven't mentioned what cities you were specifically interested in because that will also make a difference to the route you want to take and what type of travel pass if any would be helpful.

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1558 posts

Please list each segment and what research you have already done. That way people may be in a better position to help you rather than give you a generic answer.