Just wondering if anyone has used Uber in Barcelona. It says UberX just started, but when you go to the website, it does not list Barcelona!! Any ideas? Going in October ~ right now The taxi drivers are on strike, so I really don't want to depend on that (plus the cost)!!
Where is your hotel? The Aerobus runs extremely frequently and takes you to Placa Catalunya. That's how I got to the airport for my 2016 flight home.
I would second the suggestion for Aerobus. It's right outside the terminal, costs about 5 Euro and gets you to downtown Barcelona in about 20-30 minutes. From there (Catalunia square) you can easily take a taxi to your hotel or apartment.
Another vote for Aerobus. Easy peasy, they have Wi Fi and you can usually get to your hotel from a stop as they stop near the metro.
Ditto Aerobus. Easy, inexpensive,clean.
Another vote for the Aerobus - http://www.aerobusbcn.com/en/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoIa_sff13AIVDtlkCh3V5Q6AEAAYASAAEgLi1_D_BwE
Thanks everyone!!!