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Best route from Bayeux to London?

We hope to spend a few days in Bayeux before crossing the channel for 7 day London tour next summer. Suggestions on the best way to cross? Train back to Paris and then have the Chunnel experience? Or ferry from Caen to Portsmouth? Make the decision during our stay according to the weather?
Will appreciate your insight. Thanks.

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658 posts

For speed, convenience and comfort go Bayeux-Paris-London.

For slow and interesting go Caen-Portsmouth-London.

Porstmouth has to be one of the ugliest places in the UK and about as friendly as root canal surgery without anaesthetic, but once you're on the train out you will have a long slow comfortable train ride through Hampshire and Surrey to London and that can be pretty.

Either way you need to decide in advance as the glorious rail network that we have in the UK will rob you blind if you purchase tickets on the day.

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515 posts

Thank you both. We have not had the Chunnel experience, so that will be interesting, too. Just want to make it to London with minimal problems. This will be only our second visit to Europe, and first time in U.K. Truly looking forward to it.