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Barcelona to Arles by train

Traveling by train from Barcelona to Arles in October. Want to jump to Salvador Dali Museum on the way for 1/2 day. Thought this might be better than a day trip (roundrip) from Barcelona. Is this possible or are there some suggestions? Planning on leaving Barcelona by early - mid-morning. Are there better trains than others to take? Any other advice about the trains from Barcelona to Arles (changing trains at border etc.)?

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You will have to change at the border unless you take one of two trains, one morning and one evening, that run through with gauge-changing carriages. Have your passport easily available as you may be asked for it at the border or on the train, despite the Schengen agreement. I think the journey will probably be a bit too long to take a break at Figueres unless you are willing to leave very early or arrive very late, or spend the night there. I also don't know whether the station at Figueres has left-luggage facilities - museums often have cloakrooms but they usually don't take very large suitcases.