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Backpacks with Lockable Zippers for traveling

Hi Rick, How hard can it be to make order these Backpacks with Lockable Zippers for traveling. You have a nice selection of backpacks but no " Lockable Zippers" . The problem here in the U.S. / CAN is that our backpacks are actually designed for the traditional concept of backpacking--hiking, camping, etc--and not for traveling, you could make
a killing by starting selling these "Backpacks with Lockable Zippers" .

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23447 posts

I wouldn't buy one. The lockable zippers I have seen on luggage are flimsy and use a tiny key that is quickly lost. For a few dollars you can buy combo locks that work fine for securing zippers. We must have a dozen of them all set to the same code.

Posted by
3 posts

No! I meant a "locking zippers" not a little "Padlock", as it's very easy to buy a TSA approved combination padlock. hehehe

Posted by
1976 posts

I agree with Carole. If someone wants to get into your luggage, they will find a way; or they will steal it and break into it later. The best way to guard against theft of anything important is to keep only clothes and toiletries in your bag.

Posted by
307 posts

While I own one of Rick's flexi locks, I didn't take it on my last trip( 6 weeks 7 countries) as I really made an effort to keep the weight of my one bag down )...and after that trip, which involved lots of rail and ferry travel, I've concluded that on my next trip, I won't be taking it personal opinion is that there is simply no need for it ... I keep things in perspective...I figure that unless I'm completely negligent with my belongings, I have about as much chance of my bag being stolen, slashed open, rummaged through on a crowded subway, etc, etc, as I do of being struck by lightning... a little bit of common sense is the best security feature I have( well, next to my moneybelt of course... lol )

Posted by
4411 posts

Peter, his bags all used to have locking zippers; mine do. Looking at the pictures on this website, the roller bag still does have them (on the main compartment only). BUT...I've locked zipper pulls together; at worst, there's a 2" gap...kinda hard to get anything out of MY bag, but that may be a function of what I carry in MY bag. It's a well-reported fact on the Helpline that RS has changed the zippers, and not for the better.