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bacharach to rothenburg germany

What is the best transportaion mode from bacharach to rothenburg TRAIN River Boat Or local bus transportation
Please help

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12315 posts

A river boat won't get you there. I'd go with train. The regional trains that stop in Bacharach are the same type of trains that stop in Rothenburg. I've trained between the two once, I can't recall where I had to change trains but it's logical that there is a change between the two. The train picks you up in the center of Bacharach and drops you off outside Rhotenburg's walls, about a ten minute walk (if you walk well and aren't loaded down with luggage) into the old town square.

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34216 posts

This is a duplicate post - there are answers at both. That makes it difficult both on the helpers and the original poster...

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38 posts

sory about the double posting I thought i made an error and i thought it never was paoted