"I'd like to see more people check their bags, let go of their possessions. It can be freeing."
Freeing, huh? My second flight after I embraced Rick's carry on philosophy, I had a flight to Frankfurt with a 1 hour change in an eastern airport. Our flight left Denver an hour late due to deicing, and they were predicting our time of arrival as about the time the Lufthansa jet was to take off for Germany. I mentioned this to the FA, who checked the manifest and found that there were 13 of us trying to make the connection. When we arrived, they asked everyone to remain seated until we got off, met us at the gate with a van, and took us directly to the Lufthansa jet, which we just made. In our party were three businessmen who had checked everything. They were walking around, hands free, fat, dumb, and happy. I imagine when they got to Germany and found that their bags had stayed in the US, they were still fat and dumb, but no longer happy.
What is freeing is packing really light. Not only so light you can carry it on, but so light you can carry it easily.