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Are lockers in train stations disappearing?

Recently we hopped off the train in Delft, thinking we would wander/explore for a couple of hours, but couldn't find lockers for our luggage. We were told, "We don't have lockers anymore" , implying that they once did have lockers. Is there a trend to remove lockers? Security related?

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242 posts

I think Delft is the exception rather than the rule in the Netherlands. I think it is the only train station we have been to that does not have luggage storage, and have we have been to a few dozens stations in the Netherlands.

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9109 posts

When I was in Delft last June, I think I remember seeing some lockers. In fact, in most stations in Holland they are installing new hi-tech lockers which accept credit cards. Sadly, they only accept cards with the smart chip in them:( According to the Dutch Rail website ( "At a number of stations that do not have luggage lockers you can store your luggage in a luggage depot or Rijwielshop [bicycle shop] or Fietspoint [bicycle point]. You pay € 5 per calendar day or partial day."

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1358 posts

As I read comments on this page and elsewhere, I see that for security reasons, some air terminals, bus terminals and RR stations have removed their storage lockers. Apparently that is the trend in Europe.

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23548 posts

I think it is hard to judge a trend one way or the other. There was trend a while back to remove the self serve lockers for obvious reasons. And for a while some of the left luggage area were closed but now we seen lockers and left luggage most of the time. Our experience is more with Italy, Spain, Greece. Most stations except for the small ones have some storage and I don't think that has changed much.

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7899 posts

I think you need to look at it as a longer term thing. Lockers were very common in rail stations prior to 9/11. Immediately after, with the imposition of increased security, nearly all lockers were shut down in favor of staffed left luggage rooms that in some cases involved x-ray and other searches. Like many things, I suspect both the cost of staff and a lessened emphasis on that security measure has evolved. This has actually led to an increase (return) of lockers in some stations, and those probably will require some type of positive ID (Credit Card) though even that is not foolproof.