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Apartment for a families of 4

Anyone has recommendation for friendly apartment at South end of Black Forest, easy to get to see places of interest for 2 days' stay. Thanks.

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1358 posts

If you know already the name of the town you want to stay in, you can look on the town website, which will be www.(name of town).de. Look for a British flag on the homepage to switch to English. That'll be your best bet for a search.

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931 posts

Maureen has a great suggestion. You always want to look at the town web site for recomendations. We also use and to find our apt rentals in the EU. Remember to verify which floor the unit is located on, and check to see if there is a working elevator. It is alwsy a good idea to find a place with references, and a close by local contact.

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6 posts

Thanks to Maureen & Steve for the sharing of info. Managed to get fixed up at Titisee. Now looking for economical apartment at Geneva. Most of them want to rent for at least 1 week but we are only there for 2 nites. Any recommendations will be welcome. Many thanks.

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7209 posts

Geneva is an expensive city so be prepared for sticker shock.