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AMS Schiphol Airport layout

I need to double check the Schiphol airport layout. I have been to Schiphol more than just a few times but have never had the situation I am about to face. I just want to check with others to be sure my plan is possible. If not I will go to plan B. I am arriving on a United Airlines flight and some friends are arriving on a Delta flight about an hour later. As I remember the airport layout (plus what I can see from the aiport terminal map on the AMS webstie) I think I will be able to stay airside and can go directly to their arrival gate and greet them as they get off of their plane. Then we can go through passport control and baggage claim and head to our hotel together. (Plan B is to Exit airside and meet at the shuttle bus desk. Or if one flight is really late just meet at the hotel.)
This is not a big deal but it is their first time to AMS. So if the flight timing works out...who wouldn't like a familar face who can help with the arrival process after a probably sleepless and long plane ride?

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20803 posts

Do you have checked luggage? It may take some tracking down if you stay airside for an hour before claiming it.

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265 posts

No I will not have checked baggage, but they probably will.

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20803 posts

Then you should be OK then. Do they still have the casino there? How about a little Blackjack while waiting?

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7050 posts

Not sure of the answer, but if you have an hour to spare, try to check out the mini Rijksmuseum on Holland Blvd right inside the aiport (I think it's by terminal E or F, just google it)..yes, they do have a casino there too

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8285 posts

If you have any question about virtually any airport in the modern world, go on Wikipedia and put the name of the airport in the blank. The layout of the concourses and all information about the facility is included.
They also have a completely d list of every airline servicing that airport and where their direct flights go to and from.