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Airport Security

Over the past few months, new rules are coming into play as to what has to be taken out of your carry on to be screened separately. Most of the new rules pertain to electronics. I thought it might be a good idea to share experiences of what you had to take out, where it happened, and when. (Since the rules are fairly new, experiences more than say a few months are irrelevant.)

TSA now says all electronics bigger than a mobile phone must be screened separately with none on top of each other. (Pre check is exempt.) Does this mean they have to be separated or could they be in a clear container? Do cases have to come off? Is it just items with batteries? How about chargers? Backup batteries? Earbuds with battery packs (i.e. noise cancelling)?, bluetooth keyboards?, power strips?, etc.

While TSA is only in the U.S., their rules usually become common at other airports around the world.

What is your experience? (Sharing this information may help us be better prepared at the security checkpoint.)

Posted by
11848 posts

With TSA Pre Check you don't have to remove iPads but without it, you do.We have TSA Pre Check through our Global Entry so left phone in purse and iPad in carry on bag. Those went through the scanner. No electronics were removed.
It was the same on outbound and inbound flights over Christmas.
On the non TSA Pre Check security lines iPads/Tablets had to be taken out of bags and put in the tray , not in any kind of bag. I asked the TSA agent to clarify it and what I just wrote was confirmed by him.
We have encountered this in several other countries including domestic and international flight terminals and it is not hard to do.

Posted by
11848 posts

I didn't take out my ear buds or power strip on recent flights, never have done that. Have no idea about ear phone but didn't see any being taken out.

Posted by
368 posts

I went through SFO international terminal security with no pre-check and did not have to take anything out of my backpack or take my shoes off. Left all electronics and 311 bag in my pack.

Posted by
1221 posts

With recent flights, the TSA has not cared at all about my small bag of computer power cables, ear buds, power converters, and GPS unit the size of a phablet. However they have been intermittently declaring the War on Terror to be a War on Food, and I've had my backpack pulled for secondary screening over a box of Clif Bars.

Posted by
996 posts

This is a good thread!

I don't have any flights until later this year, but I have found that sometimes the stated guidelines are not always applied consistently across every location. This may be due to factors that I don't know, such as training or other things.

Anyway, despite having TSA PreCheck I have started bagging things that have been noted in this forum or others as attracting additional interest going through security. Food is always placed in a separate plastic bag so that it's easily located if they need to pull it out. I put my books near the top of my backpack for the same reason. I haven't traveled recently with any electronic device except my phone and an ancient iPod for a bit, and my chargers have yet to attract attention.

Posted by
2349 posts

This thread is brought to you by the makers of Ziploc Bags.

Posted by
4074 posts

I have TSA precheck and the only airport I've been to recently that does not have TSA precheck is actually at LGA -- it is the Marine Air Terminal (aka Terminal A). While Terminals C & D have TSA Precheck, Terminal A doesn't. Anyway, I travel with my Macbook Air, iPad, mobile phones and a clear bag of chargers. The only thing I've had to separate from my briefcase is the laptop. That's it. This is the norm and has been for years. So no changes at least there.

This thread is brought to you by the makers of Ziploc Bags.

Nope! Generic Walmart clear bags! :-)

Posted by
7055 posts

In addition to laptop, I had to completely remove my SLR camera out of my carry-on and put it on the bin at both DCA (Washington) and LAX (Los Angeles) in the past two weeks. I didn't realize a new rule covering SLRs going out and they held my carry-on and asked if there was an SLR inside...I'm fairly sure the TSA agent went into my luggage (it was out of view) and confirmed it...he didn't send it through the x-ray again through. The screenings at DCA were slower than usual and this additional rule is another pain to deal with.

Posted by
16784 posts

I spent some time perusing airport websites--mostly in Europe as this is a Europe board--and some are saying that laptops, tablets, cameras--both still and movie, and hand held game devices have to be removed and screened separately as well as removed from any case or covering. (You only have to remove any covering if called for secondary screening)

Most do say that cellphones can stay in your coat pocket or in your carry on. However, a little over a year ago I remember being told to remove ALL electronics in Reykjavik.

Additionally, Canada is banning large amounts of powder type materials and that may play out over to other countries.

Perhaps these extra screening measure are there because TSA continues to miss most banned items:

TSA Fails Recent Tests

Posted by
21511 posts

I went through security on the 29th. I had PreCheck. My belt and shoes stayed on and my lap top and liquids stayed in my carry on suit case and it took every bit of 45 seconds to drop everything on the conveyor and pick them up again on the other side.

Posted by
39 posts

Not a European experience, but flying out of Auckland, NZ to LA in October I was required to take my Kindle out of my carry on and out of it's case to be examined. Additionally new to me as a Permanent Resident Card Holder who has been flying internationally for 50+ years, I was unable to check in online for this flight. No explanation was given on the website and I thought it was just a glitch, however when we arrived at the airport and I tried to check in at a kiosk, I was again unable to check in. An airline employee immediately appeared at my side and took me to a separate area where I provided them with my "green card". After a few minutes of computer work, the airline employee presented me with my boarding pass. I am usually at the airport with plenty of time, but will definitely make sure I have extra time in the future!

Posted by
985 posts

We had pre-check.
October at TYS -1] Electronics and bags in separate bins through scanner.
November at AMS - 2] Electronics, 3-1-1, and bags in separate bins, shoes off, coats off, phone in bin on top of scanner. Body scan and pat down.
Then I got the SSSS at the gate and 2] had to do it all again, plus all electronics had to be removed from their cases. That was a pita and I like to never have gotten my tablet out of the case without breaking it.
Landed at ATL and got to do 2] again before navigating to our next terminal.

I will say this: after all of my complaining about passport control and security at ATL I was shocked when we returned this fall. One old man was singing us through the directions, all of the girls had smiles, were working, were friendly. Not sure what happened but the change had me feeling like I was in the Twilight Zone. It was a bizarre but most welcome change. I wonder how long that will last?

Posted by
3522 posts

I fly often, sometimes multiple times per week domestically and to Europe every other month.

On my last Europe trip, November 2017, I noticed nothing different from my previous recent trips. At the Rome FCO airport returning to the US I was handed a clear plastic bag and told to remove all electronics from my carry on and place them in that bag and then send the bag through the xray in a bin by itself. I did so. End of story.

I have noticed nothing different domestically other than the TSA people don't seem to be yelling as much.

Posted by
16784 posts

The question of course is, what do they define as "electronics?" Does that include adapters, chargers, cables, etc. Were they being specific? Were there signs or just people telling you to do it?

This is the problem with the do you plan to make the situation easier?

Posted by
368 posts

Just came back from CDG and had to remove cell phone, iPad and watch in security. People with boots also had to take them off. Coats and back packs in separate bins . Air France also pulled people aside when boarding for a random additional check.

Posted by
996 posts

I will say this: after all of my complaining about passport control and security at ATL I was shocked when we returned this fall. One old man was singing us through the directions, all of the girls had smiles, were working, were friendly. Not sure what happened but the change had me feeling like I was in the Twilight Zone. It was a bizarre but most welcome change. I wonder how long that will last?

Okay, I have yet to have that experience in Atlanta, but in all fairness I do like that airport if only because I'm so familiar with the layout.

I was shocked on our recent return from Italy with the warm welcome we had coming through passport control/security at JFK. I have read horror stories of coming through there, and these were some of the nicest people ever. Seriously, nicer than at my small town home airport.

Posted by
293 posts

Sorry I'm so late to this thread.

Although I have TSA PRE-Check, I was SSSSelected for extra security on departure from Basel, Switzerland to MUC. I know TSA Pre-Check isn't valid in EU, but the checker went through my small sub-size carry-on and purse. He asked, very thoroughly, "Do you have a computer?" (No.) "Are you sure? (yes). Do you have a Laptop? (no) Are you sure? (yes) Do you have an iPOD? (no) Are you Sure?
Do you have a camera? (no) Are you sure? At this point, my answer was, "Yes, sir, I just have this one mobile phone, and no other electronic device."