When I first read the headline, I shook my head in frustration at the airline for suing a passenger, but then I started a deeper dive and I think lots of fingers need to point in many directions.
In summary: A couple flew from Toronto to Vancouver. Luggage didn’t arrive and Air Canada told them to buy a “reasonable amount of necessities”. The suitcase was found and delivered the next day. In the meantime, the couple submitted receipts for $3435 for replacement items including a monogrammed suitcase worth $1130 which was bought after their suitcase arrived. Air Canada offered $250. The couple refused and submitted a complaint to the Canadian Transport Agency (I think the equivalent American agency is the FAA) which ordered Air Canada to pay them $2000. Air Canada is now suing the couple to get the money back.
I’m no lawyer but the following from the Canada Transport Agency in reference to lost luggage seems vague and I can understand why both passengers and airlines are frustrated.
“The airline must compensate you up to approximately $2780 for items you may need until your baggage is returned to you. The airline does not have to compensate you if it took all reasonable measures to avoid the issue or if it was impossible for them to take these measures.
But that is for international flights, this was domestic and the CTA guidelines are that the airline makes the rules in that situation and in Air Canada’s case it appears there are no rules for lost baggage on a domestic flight except a refund of the baggage fess and they’ll “try” and get the bag back to you. I’ll admit I didn’t read all of Air Canada’s tariff which is over 50 pages long.
If I had simply read the headline, I would have been shaking my fist at my screen and Air Canada. But after reading the article and giving it some thought it seems to me that the passengers abused the system and the CTA is a weak bureaucratic mess resulting in push-back from passengers and airlines regarding regulations. Thoughts?