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Airfare Buying Tips!

My husband found this article in "Wired Magazine" with tips about when to buy airline tickets to get the best price. Tracking Airfares Article

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4555 posts

Sharon...great little article. I've leaving for Spain in about 10 weeks, so I'll see if the article's "2 to 8 weeks beforehand" shows a cheaper price.

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3260 posts

It always makes me nervous to wait--even when the airfare is more than I'd like to pay--but I'm willing to give these strategies a try! The other thing to remember is to be flexible about a destination if possible.

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7738 posts

Many of the strategies listed have been discussed here. I rarely fly on a Friday or weekend anymore, usually leaving on a Thursday and returning on Monday (It stretches a trip nicely as well) I also look for those incremental jumps/drops as the season ramps up and winds down. Seems like there is always a bump up in prices for departures at the beginning of June, so leaving a few days earlier is cheaper. (Same for mid-May and beginning of May, and Mid-June, etc...) If you are flexible, the 2-8 weeks sounds correct. I always described it as finding the point where prices are declining, but there is still good availability. I find at 10 to 12 weeks I still get good prices, but I get the flights at the times I want and I get to sit next to my wife at an aisle or window, worth it for an extra $50. Now for a deep discount (couple hundred) I would reconsider.

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349 posts

Be careful using " 2nd airports" it can be very difficult using public transportation . I am am not saying dont use but do your homework . Example Frankfurt- Hahn is not Frankfurt. Do Your Home work !!!

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23473 posts

I never find these tips very useful because I cannot get them to work. For our last two trips to Europe (June 06,07) we purchased our tickets around the five, six month mark. I checked the airfare every week and sometimes twice a week after that. Never saw a cheaper fare. It slowly increased until the last the week when it was nearly 50% over the six month price. Buying six, eight weeks out is a gamble. May work for some airlines and some routes but none that we were interested in.

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9047 posts

Another tip to use, is to check the school vacation schedule for where you are flying into and out of. This can make a big difference. In Germany, the states stagger all their vacations, so Berlin may be on vacation in June, while Bavaria isn't til August. I have saved lots of money just by taking a train to a city in another state and flying out of there, when the Frankfurt schools are on break. I imagine France, Austria, Italy and Switzerland, etc. may be the same. Anything within a week of vacation beginning and ending will up your price. This also includes spring, winter and fall vacation periods. You can google school vacations to find out the dates.