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Posted by
1258 posts

Economically driven, I suppose. What planet are they flying to?

As Idaho USA has re-opened, cases around my town are up 500% and hospitalizations are climbing quickly. Local hospitals do not have capacity if this need intensive care beds continues apace. This is not a virus that cares diddly for economies.

I’m not going anywhere for at least another 8-12 months.

Posted by
4657 posts

Some weeks ago, Air Canada rolled out their flight plans and by July 1 or at least early July, they were anticipating a full flight schedule, and also no further 'empty middle seat' precautions. There were numerous references to this being supported by the relevant health organizations, but I think they built in the ability to change plans when necessary. Given that Toronto is such a travel hub, and is still not in good shape for C-19, it might change, but I haven't seen an update.

Posted by
381 posts

Delta has promised to keep middle seats unoccupied until at least Sept. 30. I wonder what kind of deep pockets they have that other airlines don't.

Posted by
3157 posts

Does Delta guarantee the middle seat is empty? If so good for them. Not that it is anywhere close to social distancing if the person behind your or within a few feet is sick or asymptomatic and shedding a virus.

Posted by
3522 posts

It is interesting that AA is not adding more flights back to their schedule, just filling the few they have. Guess the accountants win.

Posted by
23736 posts

Truthfully always thought the middle seat things was window dressing. You are still within six feet of passengers front to back and on each side. I didn't see how not having a middle seat provide much risk reduction. Now one passenger per row and every other row or every third row would provide some separation with a little risk reduction. Now goggles and an N-95 mask would work well.

Posted by
10851 posts

Had to make an emergency trip to the east coast and will go home sometime after July 1st. Two airlines have a direct flight: AA and Southwest. Prices are similar. Southwest guarantees the middle seat empty. It's a no-brainer for me: SWA at 2/3 full rather than AA.

Posted by
516 posts

This is an absolute, last-ditch, Hail-Mary act of desperation on AA's part. Their financial numbers were utterly catastrophic back in March when Covid started rolling and things have gotten nothing but worse since then. If I recall right, their daily burn rate is ~$70m and the best case scenario -- Covid sods off and everything is peachy-keen again in Q3/Q4 -- means they only lose like $2.5 billion for the year. The more likely scenario -- no recovery until Q2 2021 -- is means AA goes on the gov't books as yet another Zombie Company that the taxpayers are supporting. Given that AA's no longer confirming the dates for their Q2 "earnings" statement, I would imagine that AA's board has seen the writing on the wall and they've decided to go all-or-nothing on this.

-- Mike Beebe

Posted by
3157 posts

I have to fly in July for a business trip. Hi, Delta! Other than those two flights it seems nonsensical to fly if you have a choice. I mean, with COVID cases surging why would you do that?

Of course the middle seat is not "free" as the taxpayers will pay for it.

As for those who think having a middle seat empty is safer, well, why do you think that? The logic escapes me.

Posted by
3522 posts

As for those who think having a middle seat empty is safer, well, why do you think that? The logic escapes me.

For one, you are not in physical contact with another person as you can often be when the middle seat is filled and both passengers are of a larger size.

Any distance between you and those around you reduces the chance of catching any virus. More distance is of course better but not possible on standard airplanes.

Posted by
31 posts

Nice place for planning a trip you might take some year in the future.
But with Americans unwanted in the EU, think twice about buying tickets.

US travelers 'unlikely' to be allowed into EU as bloc reopens, diplomats say

By James Frater, Vasco Cotovio and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

Updated 7:36 PM ET, Fri June 26, 2020

Quest on possible EU ban on US travelers: It's embarrassing