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Innsbruck to Fussen

Best way to get from Innsbruck to Fussen? Renting a car in Innsbruck and driving to Fussen would be easy, but it appears cost prohibitive merely because of dropping off car in another country. Adds EUR 600-700 from what I'm being told. So, unless that's wrong, then I must travel by rail or bus, but rail to Fussen is not very clear. Eurail schedule indicates a stop in Garmisch, but doesn't mention Fussen as a destination. Any thoughts on rail? Is a bus from Innsbruck an option? Thanks

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This is the website to use for German Rail schedules. You will have to change in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The only all rail route from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Füssen goes through Munich; that is the long way around. You can take a train from Garmisch to Reutte, Austria, or Pfronten, Germany, and a bus from there to Füssen, or a bus from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Füssen via Oberammergau.