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Speeding tickets

I recently returned from England to find that the rental car company had charged my credit card four times for administrative fees associated with alleged traffic violations. Although this unfortunately seems quite common, I am nonetheless concerned. Is there a limit to the number of tickets I can expect? How can I find out? I only drove 6 days! So far, it looks like four, but at 60 pounds each, plus the $200 the car hire has already commandeered, this has potential to really add up. Does anyone have any experience/advice for this situation?

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23572 posts

You were charged four times for an administrative fee so I would assume that you have four tickets coming. Probably photo radar for speeding, common in England. Your choice - pay 'em or wait to see what happens. There probably are 500 postings on this subject within the past year. Use the search box for parking tickets.

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32328 posts

Chris, I agree with Frank - as you were assessed four charges by the rental firm, you were likely "nicked" four times by photo radar. Therefore, you can probably expect four tickets. I've so far avoided fines when driving in the U.K., so can't offer any advice on your predicament. In the same situation, I'd probably just pay them as the cost could increase if you wait. If you did pass through photo radar, they'll have a time & date stamped photo, so that will be hard to contest. Good luck!

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32328 posts

@Keith, " points are added to the licence and, generally, up to four offences would result in enough points to get a driving ban" That happens here also. As we have government auto insurance (ICBC), accumulating points also increases the amount of insurance one pays. When auto insurance is renewed, any points will be reflected in the renewal amount. A few examples of the fines here - Excessive Speed is currently $368–483, Driving Without Due Car is $368 and Using an Electronic Device (Cellphone without hands free or text messaging) is $167 per offense. If these tickets (or for other offenses) aren't paid, it's not possible to renew auto insurance (which is compulsory). Those sort of fines do tend to encourage responsible driving, but unfortunately there are always a few people who refuse to "get the message". To digress for a moment, we had a somewhat humourous incident here recently in the Vancouver area. A "young driver" was stopped for "no insurance" and fined $568. He immediately started whining about the high cost of the ticket. What made this incident humourous was that he was driving a Lamborghini worth over $100K!!! To add "insult to injury", I believe the car was impounded! Cheers!

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33554 posts

i agree with the above answers. And no, there is no limit. If you triggered the system again you will get another. To help put it in perspective it may be helpful to try to figure out what they were likely for, and if any or all have the potential to double and redouble. Were you driving in central London on a business day between 7am and 7pm? That could be Congestion Charge. It will shoot up quickly if not paid nearly immediately. Did you drive in Oxford? You may have exceeded the very slow 20 mph limit in places, or driven in a bus lane during enforced hours. There are bus lanes in most larger towns. Did you exceed 70 mph on a motorway (unless posted lower) or a dual carriageway, or 60 on a rural single carriageway unless posted lower, or 30 mph in a built up area unless posted lower? Did you drive on the M4 into London? If so, the speed limit drops off sharply and enforcement cameras along that stretch are like mushrooms. They might be large grey boxes on a pole with reflective yellow paint on the back to take a photo of the back of the car as you pass, or yellow around the lens and on the pole to take a picture of your smiling face from the front. They might flash or not flash if they are set up with infrared. They could be on the verge or the centre divider. In rural areas they are often at the bottom of hills or just after you enter a built up area. There may or may not be speed limit signs as you are deemed to know the national speed limits and they only need to be posted if they vary from the national limits, although most villages and town now have posted limits in and out of town.

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33554 posts

They also could be parking violations. A lot of councils now have photo cars which have a google like camera on the roof and they automatically check that each car is completely in a space, not too far from the kerb and in a legal space. If the computer doesn't like the parking it sends a Penalty Charge Notice in the post.

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2 posts

Thank you everyone for your responses. I do hope 4 is all I can expect. If the fines are $500+ each (as some of you have experienced), they may have to wait a while. I do intend to pay them, but I don't know which authority to contact that might have a centralized knowledge of the infractions. This is unfortunate, I really thought I had been overly cautious while I was in a foreign place. I'll certainly drive 5-10 mph under the speed limit next time, if there is one. The locals may not like it, but these fines could leave a man homeless!