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Train Schedule Help

Have checked with Rail Europe about a faster train from Heidelberg Hbf to Lugano. They indicated there was a train that left Heidelberg at 6.58 and did not change in Mannheim but stopped there and went to Zurich where we had a change then on to Lugano.
I have checked the Bahn site and all I see is one leaving at 7.13 with a stop & change in Mannheim. Any help out there with a site with this the above information at 6.58 would be appreciated. I like to have a print out of the train schedules.

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8700 posts

The Bahn site shows lots of choices. I don't know why you found only one. 1. Leave Heidelberg at 06:03, connect in Karlsruhe and Basel, and arrive in Lugano at 12:46. 2. Leave Heidelberg at 06:57, connect in Zurich, and arrive in Lugano at 13:45. This particular train from Heidelberg to Zurich doesn't go through Mannheim. 3. Leave Heidelberg at 07:13; connect in Mannheim, Basel, and Arth-Goldau; and arrive in Lugano at 13:45. 4. Leave Heidelberg at 07:13, connect in Mannheim and Zurich, and arrive in Lugano at 13:46. 5. Leave Heidelberg at 08:14, connect in Karlsruhe and Basel, and arrive in Lugano at 14:46. If you click on "Print view" on the right-hand side of the listing for any of these, you can print all of them (and more) at once.

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19232 posts

I, too, have observed discrepancies with RailEurope's schedules in the past. Considering that RailEurope does not show all of the train connections, I have a feeling that they might copy parts of the real schedule into their own data base, and that could result in some inaccuracies. In addition, they might not update their schedules as often as the European rail companies change them. Since we are talking here about German trains, at least as far as leaving Heidelberg is concerned, I would trust the Bahn's schedule.

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56 posts

I have always found that the Bahn site to the my best reference for train travel in Europe - and have even "helped" the Rair Europe representives when planning a trip. The only exception has been in Belgium, where the country rail system site was better - same, but a little more detail.