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Seeing Lucca...the easy way?

Greetings Expert Italy Travelers! My spouse and I are embarking on a nearly-3week excursion to Ireland/Italy to see areas of family heritage. My grandmother is from Lucca, so that MUST be a stop on our list. Currently, our Italy plan is to fly into Milan, train south to Cinqueterre and then....
That's where I need your help. When I look on maps, it seems like the way out of Cinqueterre/Pisa would be the best time to stop in Lucca, and then continue on to Florence. OR, the second option would be to go Cinqueterre/Pisa train right into Florence, and come back up north to Lucca. I'm not sure if there are trains to Lucca from Florence? Bus? What would be easiest and/or cheapest in your opinion? Thanks so much for the help! Liz

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32327 posts

Liz, My suggestion would be to travel from the Cinque Terre to Lucca, as that's exactly the route I took last September. Using Monterosso as the departure point, it's an easy trip - 1H:24M with one change in Viareggio. Current second class fare is €12. This may vary slightly, depending on which of the five towns you're departing from. The trip from Lucca to Florence is also very easy, about 1H:20M, current second class fare €6.40. In the same situation, that's the route I would use. The trains are usually Regionale on those routes, so DON'T FORGET to validate your tickets! Happy travels!

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591 posts

Just an added comment ........ Lucca is a great destination of itself. The top of the wall that surrounds the city is so wide it was made into a park - good for strolling or even biking. Just a very pleasant place to visit.