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Buying train tickets ?

We will be traveling by train from Edinburgh, to WIndermere for 1 night and then on to London by Train. I am very confused about what would be best. Seems there are many sites to get tickets, and rates vary greatly. As we are on a budget would like best rates. Thanks.

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23418 posts

Use the national rail site. Everyone else is a travel agency or reseller so there will be mark ups.

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4684 posts

The train operators themselves sometimes offer cheap deals that aren't on the national rail site. The one for Scotland-Windermere-London will be Virgin Trains ( Try that and the national rail site.

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8700 posts

There are advance purchase online discount fare tickets, but to get them you have to book within the right range of dates. What are your travel dates?

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8700 posts

Sorry. I meant your specific dates for Edinburgh-Windermere and Windermere-London.

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58 posts

Sorry, Edinburgh to Windermere September 7, Windermere to London September 8. We are also going from London to Paris on September 14 but thinking we will probably do that through Eurostar.

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33123 posts

You are down to about a month before your Eurostar trip, so you need to get that one right away. The best fares go fast and that would have been a few weeks ago. They never go down, only up as the time approaches. I hope you haven't left it too late.

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8700 posts

If you book right now at, you can get fares as low as £11.50/person for Edinburgh Waverley-Windermere and £21.50 for Windermere-London Euston (limited departure times). If you book right now at, you still can get the cheapest discount fare ($65) for several departure times for London-Paris.