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Train Schedule

My boyfriend's mother purchased a eurail pass through Rail Europe that is valid for 5 days of travel for our upcoming trip to France and Italy. Unfortunately, this was before I researched train transportation in Europe and found out that the Rail Europe pass is not the preferred pass. Anyway, two of our train times have already been reserved, but I am trying to figure out how to tell what the available times are for our other train rides. Where can I find the most accurate and easy to use train schedules? The time table that was given to me with my eurail pass is not working out for me. Thank you!

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32327 posts

Stephanie, As you're aware, your Railpass does NOT include the reservation fees that are compulsory for some trains. When travelling by train in Italy, be VERY sure that you have the correct reservations , or you'll be fined on the spot and it won't be cheap! Happy travels!

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19240 posts

From the Bahn home page choose "Weitere Suchoptionen" (or "Further Search Options", in English). Or, go directly to the German Rail query page you'll be using the rest of the time. "the Rail Europe pass is not the preferred pass" There is no "Rail Europe pass". Rail Europe only resells passes created by Eurail, and I think RE's prices are very competitive. But, of course, if get your pass from Rick (who gets them from Rail Europe) you'll get some good information about using the pass and a discount from his travel store.

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4412 posts

Ditto on all USA railpasses being sold be RailEurope. For French skeds: Go to for helpful hints on how to use the website (such as choose your 'ticket collection country' as Great Britain, etc.) For Italian skeds: Check your actual dates, plus check on the same day of the week just one week out - not all of the local trains show up outside of a week's time. Where exactly are you going and on what dates? Reservations may or may not even be necessary...