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train to Versailles

We will be staying in Paris near the Louvre. Can you tell me the best way to get to Versailles by train? Do we take a certain metro line to get to a station that gets us there? I've heard of the RER but would like to know more. Best line to take? Froms where in Paris?, etc.

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9110 posts

Nope, nope, and nope. Assuming you're on the north side of R. Rivoli near the Louvre, the directions above start you out with a mile and a half walk or so. (I have no idea what good a bus in the direction of the ET would do for getting you to Saint Michel/Notre Dame - - the station is even named backwards in the above post - - which is in the opposite direction.) Disregard the whole lot above. The closest metro station to the Louvere is Palais Royal at Rivoli and Richelieu. Hop the #7 line heading east to Jessieu. At Jessieu, switch to the #10 line to Gare d'Austerlitz, then switch to the RER C to Versailles Rive Gauche. There are a few other ways to skin that cat, but the reamainder involve a good bit of tunnel hiking. If you're somewhere else, cough up the nearest metro station or hotel address and we'll regroup. Edit: the junk in the post above is mostly cut and paste from the cited link, but the applicability is zilch, mostly thrown off by the paragraph beginning with 'Walk'. Sheesh!

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8700 posts

Here's a westerly route. Take metro line 1 from either Louvre Rivoli or Palais Royal-Musee du Louvre to Concorde. Take metro line 8 one stop to Invalides. Take the RER C to Versailles-Rive Gauche. The RER C line divides on the west side of Paris. Trains going to Versailles-RG have the nameplate VICK. The current price for a single ticket from anywhere in Central Paris to Versailles is €3.05.