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Renting bicycles in Amsterdam

We're going to spend two days in Amsterdam and I'd like to use bicycles. Has anyone done this? Rates seem real reasonable, and the place at the centraal station seems like a good one, and there seems to be the red bicycle lanes all over the place. Share your experiences riding in Amsterdam. We're going to stay in the city and I'd rather ride a bike than the trams.

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4132 posts

I rented a bike from Centraal Station for a day and rode both outside and inside the city. It was a lot of fun. The TI had a route for a nice ride north of town (though I got lost) and I visited some places in A'dam that I might otherwise have skipped (like Vondel Park). The bike was a sturdy, heavy thing. If you know you want to do this you might want to poke about online and see if there are better options for multi-day rentals. I say that not because of any criticism of the Centraal place, but just to see if there are better deals. Whoever you rent from can advise you about nice rides outside the city, if you are interested in that. Make sure you get a good lock if you are using the bike to visit sights where you go indoors. Have a blast!

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643 posts

Adam, Thanks for your reply. I thought the bike rental places would supply a lock? Usually there is a lock built in to the bike to disable the rear wheel (just a bar that moves into the path of the spokes). I would think they would also supply a cable lock? We definitely want to ride through the city. We're staying near the station and want to go to the Van Gogh museum and other places, which are a bit far to walk (like a 30 minute walk from our B&B).

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4132 posts

Dave, yes, standardly they do provide a lock. I'm just saying make sure.

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643 posts

Thanks, we'll probably rent from the station the day we arrive. Seems like a very relaxing way to see the city.

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253 posts

We used Mike's to rent bikes. I liked them because they have several shops around Amsterdam and this turned out to be convenient when I got a flat. I took it to the nearest Mike's and they patched it up and I was on my way again.

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643 posts

We will rent from the station, it's where we come in and very near our B&B. I ride all the time and never get a flat so that isn't an issue for me.

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33148 posts

never get a flat Not tempting Fate, then?

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253 posts

LOL! Neither did I. City streets have plenty of ways to mess up a bike ride.

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643 posts

We will rent from MacBike at the station and maybe take their 2 hour tour.