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Luggage aboard RENFE?

We're visiting Spain in May and planning to do some travel by train. The RENFE website mentions restrictions for luggage weight, dimensions, and number of pieces. Does anybody know how carefully they check for compliance, and what they do if the weight exceeds the 20Kg allowed? (There's no mention of additional charges like the airlines.) Once we get the stuff aboard, I gather that the suitcases go into a baggage storage area probably at one end of the car? Are the bags safe there? At one point we will likely take a cercania from Seville to Cadiz, which seems to be more of a commuter train. Will luggage be an issue on that train?
Is there anything else that we need to know regarding luggage and the trains in Spain? Thanks in advance!

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233 posts

You'll be carrying and lifting your own bags on Spanish trains. If you're on the higher-speed ones, you'll have to put them through the X-ray machine, but I've seen people with pretty big/heavy bags (Japanese tourists leaving Granada!), and no one's batted an eye. If you can lift it into an airline overhead compartment, you'll be able to put it on the overhead shelf above the seats. (I've only taken day trains in Spain. I don't know about night trains.) If it's too heavy or too fat, you'll store it on the shelves at the end of each car. Since I travel with one carry-on bag and one day pack, I put the big bag above my head and my day pack in my lap (or at my feet or in the empty seat next to me) to use during the trip. I've had to put my bigger bag on the end-of-car shelves before (when the train was full), and it always makes me nervous, but I try to keep an occasional eye on it and not worry :) Have a great trip!

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23562 posts

We have ridden RENFE as recently as last year and was not aware of any luggage restrictions. There is no one checking the luggage other than the security check prior to entering the platform area for the AVE. The overhead racks will easily handle carry on size bags and the bins near the car entry will hold the larger luggage. Is it safe? Sure. If concerned use a cable lock and secure your bags to each other or to something solid. We do that but have to admit I have never seen anyone else do that. There is constant discussion about luggage been stolen from the bin just as the train is about to leave but have never see it or heard from anyone who has had that problem. Luggage can be an issue IF you are carrying a lot of luggage -- so don't. The Spanish people use luggage and have seen people with luggage so you will not be any different than anyone else -- tourist or local.

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638 posts

Last May I took the train from the Madrid Atocha station to Pamplona and do not remember there being any restrictions either. For peace of mind I second what Frank said, get a cable lock and secure your bags together and to a post on the storage area. I haven't actually seen anyones bags being stolen but heard the stories though.

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133 posts

Update: nobody cared about the size or weight of our luggage. On one leg a coach attendant helped me get my heavy bag on and off the train. We did have to put all belongings through x-ray for the high speed trains at the larger stations. We put the suitcases in the rack near the door and used a cable lock for peace of mind but they probably would have been fine without being locked.