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Travel from Italy to Croatia

We'd like to travel from Venice to Croatia in September. What is the best way? We'd like to go to Istria; possibly even to Hvar or Dubrovnik. All travel there seems difficult.
Thanks for any pointers!

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Fastest and easiest (although not cheapest) way from Venice to Istria is the Venezia Lines hydrofoil. Trip takes about 2 hours to Porec and 2.5 hours to Rovinj. I found the convenience worth the price. From Istria to Hvar or Dubrovnik, travel is more challenging. You could take the long bus trip from Pula to Split or Dubrovnik, take a bus to Rijeka and Jadrolinija ferry from there, or a bus to Rijeka and train via Zagreb to Split with connections on to Hvar (hydrofoil) or Dubrovnik (bus). You might also consider renting a car and driving from Istria to Split or Dubrovnik. It would cut you travel time by about half, and a rental car is great for exploring Istria. Uniline, a Croatian company with offices in Porec and Rovinj, charges no drop off for 3+ day rentals (30% premium for less than 3 days).